Don Bosco Kakuma

+254 720 604 141

Motor Vehicle Mechanic

Motor Vehicle Mechanic Department consists of:

The grade III motor vehicle mechanic guidance is development to set the competence of students engaged in the motor vehicle industry, both in the formal and informal sectors.

In order to establish standards and certification for suitability of carrying out expected tasks at this level, the guidance takes into consideration the knowledge skills and attitudes necessary in job performance

Students at this level of competency have knowledge and skills required to; Practice safe working habits, Select and use general workshop tools and equipment and Carry out general service and maintenance on the vehicle.

Major Areas of Functional competency; the grade III motor vehicle mechanic is expected to be proficient vehicle service and maintenance.

Basic Areas of Functional Competency includes: Workplace safety and procedures, Tools and equipment, Engine systems, Transmission systems, Chassis systems, Electrical and electronics systems and Vehicle control systems

The grade II motor vehicle mechanics guidance is developed to test the competence of students engaged in the motor vehicle industry both in the formal and informal sections.

In order to establish standards and certification for suitability of carrying out expected tasks at this level the guidelines takes into consideration the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary in job performance.

Persons at this level of competency have knowledge and skills required to: Practice safe working habits, Select and use general/ special workshop tools and equipment and Carry service and maintenance on the vehicle.

Functional Competency at a More Advanced Level: Workplace safety and procedures, Tools and equipment, Engine systems, Transmission systems, Chassis systems, Electrical and electronics and Safety restraint systems.

he grade I motor vehicle mechanics guidelines is developed to test the competence of students engaged in the motor industry both in the formal and the informal sections.

In order to establish standards and certification for suitability of carrying out expected tasks at this level the guidelines takes into consideration the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary in job performance.

Persons at this level of competency have knowledge and skills required to: Practice safe working habits, Select and use general/ special workshop tools and equipment and Carry service and maintenance on the vehicle.

Functional Competency Advanced Level involves: Troubleshooting and fault diagnosis, Service and maintenance, Supervise operations in the work areas and Vehicle testing and inspection.