Don Bosco Kakuma

+254 720 604 141

Information and technology

Courses under it

These comprises of the following ICT courses:

examined by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).

Examined by National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).

Information communication technology (ict)

These comprises of the following ICT courses:

ICT Departments consist of:

i. Keyboarding

ii. Concepts of Information Technology and Windows

iii. Microsoft word

iv. Microsoft PowerPoint

v. Microsoft Excel

vi. Microsoft Access

vii. Microsoft Publisher

viii. Internet and E-mail

ix. Networking

x. Communication Skills

xi. Entrepreneurship

Module I; Mathematics, Operating system, Communication skills, Life skills, Computer Application , Basic electronics, Introduction to Information Communication Technology and Entrepreneurship

Module II; Structured programming, Computer Maintenance and Support, Computer Applications II, Research methodology, Business Plan and Trade Project

The computer operator course was developed by National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) to address the challenges faced by people working in ICT sector.

The course equips the students with qualified and productive workforce with practical knowledge and skills in ICT.

The following units are covered under this course: basic computer operations and file management, word processing, spreadsheets, database management systems, presentation.